Gengival smile correction: case report


  • Kassya Kananda dos Santos Mozzi



Esthetics, dental, Gingivectomy, Smiling


The clinical requirement and the standard of beauty has been increasingly sought by patients in the field of cosmetic dentistry, including those that deal with the removal and remodeling of excessive gingival tissue, due to reports of disharmony between teeth, gums and mouth, thus called like gingival smile. A harmonic smile is built based on a set of factors such as the patient's dental, gingival, facial and body structure. Many of the patients with gingival smile, which is considered the condition where more than 3 mm of gum is exposed in a moderate smile, and confirmed by the forced smile, where we have greater gingival exposure. The purpose of this study was to report the case of a patient who reported and presented a disharmonious relationship with the gingival smile and the short length of the clinical crowns. The gingivectomy procedure was performed in search of harmony between dental and gingival aesthetics. Surgery seeks a gingival adequacy in relation to dental aesthetics, improving the aesthetics of the smile.


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How to Cite

Mozzi, K. K. dos S. (2023). Gengival smile correction: case report. Journal of Multidisciplinary Dentistry, 11(1), 215–9.



Clinical Case Report