Main considerations about immediate implants in the aesthetic area: clinical case analysis


  • Tainara Siprandi



Dental implants, Esthetics, dental, Dentistry


The objective of this article was to present the main considerations regarding the performance of immediate implants in the aesthetic area. To this end, using the clinical case analysis methodology of placing a prosthesis on an implant, initially a brief theoretical explanation on the topic was carried out, based on a literature review through updated scientific productions, seeking to highlight the main considerations About the subject. Next, a clinical case study was presented, analyzing the main determinants of the placement of a prosthesis on an immediate implant for the aesthetic area in an adult female patient, which took place through the extraction of element 22, with immediate implant in aesthetic area. Therefore, it is concluded that the use of this technique rehabilitates the patient twice, both functionally and aesthetically. Finally, theoretical studies and clinical reports on immediate implants in the aesthetic area have gained greater relevance, constituting fundamental research bases for improving the technique, seeking to optimize procedures and increase gains in aesthetic quality, as well as patients' lives and well-being.


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How to Cite

Siprandi, T. (2024). Main considerations about immediate implants in the aesthetic area: clinical case analysis. Journal of Multidisciplinary Dentistry, 14(1), 124–32.



Clinical Case Report