Dental ceramic system: a literature review


  • Maria Roberta Raimundo Almeida
  • Eduardo Henriques de Melo



Dental porcelain, Tooth crown, Mouth rehabilitation


Carry out a literature review aiming to present the types of dental ceramics, covering composition, advantages, disadvantages and indications. Articles from national and international databases were used, namely: Google Scholar, PubMed, SciELO and LILACS. With year of publication from 2001 to 2022, through the Boolean operators: and and or, and the descriptors: ceramics; dental crown; oral rehabilitation, in english and portuguese. 31 articles were selected, from which data synthesis was carried out. Aesthetic ceramic restorations have become part of the dentist's daily routine and their applicability is due to the fact that they present several properties very similar to those of natural teeth, among which the following stand out: translucency, fluorescence, compatible linear thermal expansion coefficient to the natural tooth, biological compatibility and greater resistance to compression and abrasion. Numerous ceramic systems are available on the market, leading these rehabilitation professionals to constantly seek knowledge about their properties and indications, so that they can find good results due to the selection of the best material for a given case combined with good professional skills.


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How to Cite

Almeida, M. R. R., & Melo, E. H. de. (2024). Dental ceramic system: a literature review. Journal of Multidisciplinary Dentistry, 14(1), 54–62.



Literature Review