Digital dentistry and dental prosthetics: a review study


  • Diego Francisco Sena Fragôso
  • Eduardo Henriques de Melo



Dental prosthesis, Image processing, computer-assisted, Dentistry


Carry out a literature review to present and discuss the contributions of digital dentistry in oral rehabilitation. The present study was designed as a narrative literature review. Publications whose main theme was related to the main objective of this research were included, articles in portuguese or english and which were available in full text. The search for articles was carried out digitally, in the Virtual Health Library (VHL), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) and Google Scholar databases, using the following terms/descriptors: digital flow; digital dentistry; dental prosthesis, computer aided image processing; artificial intelligence. The main contributions were reported to be the introduction of fully digital workflows, simplified and at a lower cost as technology has advanced. The work of dentists has become increasingly efficient, precise and with the possibility of sessions in a single day or a maximum of two clinical sessions. With regard to artificial intelligence, the authors reported that existing studies are pilots and/or experimental. The integration between digital dentistry and dental prosthesis must be done according to the needs and characteristics of each patient, new possibilities for innovation emerge daily aiming to facilitate and improve the effectiveness of work and its results for patients.


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How to Cite

Fragôso, D. F. S., & Melo, E. H. de. (2024). Digital dentistry and dental prosthetics: a review study. Journal of Multidisciplinary Dentistry, 14(1), 48–53.



Literature Review