Profile of the population of an Oral Health Care Network eligible for prosthetic rehabilitation in the city of Caruaru-PE


  • Danillo Marinho de Oliveira
  • Eduardo Henriques de Melo
  • José Eudes de Lorena



Dental health services, Community dentistry, Public health


To analyze the profile of users of an Oral Health Care Network eligible for access to the Dental Prosthesis specialty. This is a quantitative, cross-sectional study with an exploratory and descriptive approach. Data collection took place in health units in the city of Caruaru, Pernambuco, where resident dental surgeons from the Multidisciplinary Residency Program in Primary Care work. The participants' ages ranged from 30 to 79 years, with a mean of 52.45 years and a median of 44.00 years. The majority (70.1%) were female, more than half (53.8%) were adults, with 46.2% of the remaining elderly. The highest percentage corresponded to those surveyed who had up to 4 years of schooling (43.1%), the vast majority were brown (43.1%) and white (40.7%). 79.6% had an income of up to one minimum wage. Considering the serious situation observed in relation to the need for prostheses in the adult and elderly population studied, knowledge about availability through the Unified System is still extremely important, reiterating the need to expand the supply of specialized services for prosthetic rehabilitation within of the SUS.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, D. M. de, Melo, E. H. de, & Lorena, J. E. de. (2024). Profile of the population of an Oral Health Care Network eligible for prosthetic rehabilitation in the city of Caruaru-PE. Journal of Multidisciplinary Dentistry, 14(1), 3–10.



Basic and Applied Researches