Case report: surgery for the installation of immediate implants in a superior protocol with regularization of the alveolar ridge and atraumatic extractions


  • Amanda Vaz da Silva Lôres
  • Breno Peres Altino



Dental implants, Surgery, oral, Esthetics


Dental implants performed immediately after extraction have a high success rate and allow patient rehabilitation with a smaller number of interventions to finalize the case.  The study in question aims to report a case of a patient who underwent the immediate implant technique in the maxillary area.  In this article, a clinical case of an elderly female patient is reported, where there was an indication for the extraction of elements 13 (right canine), 23 (left canine) and 27 (second left molar), and after the atraumatic extraction, the installation of the dental implant immediately, however, without immediate loading. Geistlich Bio-Oss® bone graft was used to fill the gaps between the implant and socket.  The patient's temporary rehabilitation consisted of the installation of an adhesive prosthesis, which allows temporary rehabilitation, without placing a load on the newly installed implant and without wearing down the adjacent teeth.  It is known that the aesthetics of the smile has a direct impact on the patient's self-esteem.  In this way, the use of this technique enabled the rehabilitation of the patient in a functional and aesthetic way, having gained in her quality of life.


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How to Cite

Lôres, A. V. da S., & Altino, B. P. (2024). Case report: surgery for the installation of immediate implants in a superior protocol with regularization of the alveolar ridge and atraumatic extractions. Journal of Multidisciplinary Dentistry, 13(3), 148–53.



Clinical Case Report